Musculoskeletal Disorders
Video Tips From the Latvian Physiotherapists Association
Wrist Joints
Do the exercises for wrist joints once every hour, before they feel tired and painful.
Repeat every movement 10x in each direction.
Use an ergonomic mouse pad, vertical mouse or a special wristband if necessary.
Active Breaks
Time for a break!
Dancing during a break is also a physical activity and can improve your well-being and reduce fatigue.
Get up and move every hour to keep your body healthy.
Reduce Sitting Time
Every movement counts!
During the day, reduce the time you spend sitting and move more.
Make Your Meetings More Dynamic
Take a movement break during meetings, if you feel stiff and painful.
Your colleagues will probably join in!
You can spend part of a long meeting standing up
Move During Work Calls
Active break can be combined with a work call!
Stand up when you answer the phone, and walk about if you can.
Movement Break Every Hour
Take a movement break every hour for at least a minute.
Move the parts of the body where you feel tension.
Your best posture is your next posture!
Create New Habits
Waiting for your coffee? Do 10 squats!
Reminder notes near the fridge, coffee machine and computer can help you forming new habits.
Spread the message on your social media.
Join the Move At Work campaign!: Summary of the ‘Move At Work’ Social Media Campaign

EU-OSHA 2020-2022 Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load
During 2020 and 2022, Europe region World Physiotherapy through the Musculoskeletal Disorders Working Group, was involved as a partner of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load campaign.
Throughout this period we raised awareness of the importance of physiotherapy in each phase of the campaign:
Chronic conditions
Facts & figures
Future generations
Psychosocial risks
Sedentary work
Worker diversity

Europe region's General Secretary with Yvonne van Zaanen, EC member of IFPTOHE , in the EU-OSHA summit . (Bilbao, Spain)
We spread the message through our social media with two short videos for chronic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and sedentary work:

EU OSHA Lighten the Load campaign - Chronic MSDs

EU OSHA Lighten the Load campaign - Sedentary work
We also organised a webinar in collaboration with EU-OSHA, the International Federation of Physical Therapists working in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (IFPTOHE) and SAP, on cost-effective options to tackle MSDs in the telework era:

Webinar | A Healthy Workforce: Cost Effective Options to Tackle MSDs in the Telework Era
The campaign finalised with a Summit celebrated in Bilbao (Spain) on the 14th and 15th of November 2022 and the General Secretary of Europe region World Physiotherapy, Aitor Carpio García, attended in representation of the Executive Committee.
The next campaign 2023-2025 was also unveiled with the title “Safe and healthy work in the digital age”. The MSDs Working Group of the Europe region will continue advocating for the role of physiotherapy in the prevention of MSDs in the workplace and working with key partners such as Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health (G-MUSC) or IFPTOHE so the results of the campaign are not forgotten.