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The data has been provided by the Member Organisation and to the extent possible are a true reflection of the situation in the country, however not all figures are authoritative and should be interpreted accordingly.
For questions or feedback please contact
General View
Country Profile
Profession & Practice
CPD & Specialisation
Migration & Mobility
Calle Conde de Peñalver
Número 38-2° dcha
28006 Madrid
(34) 91 401 11 36
Social media:
Number of Members:
8 230
Europe Region Primary Contact
President / Chair
CEO / General Secretary
Maria Jose Martinez Alvarez /
Fernando Ramos Gómez/
Carmen María Suarez Serrano. /
48 196 693
45 000
Practising Physiotherapists
8 230
Physiotherapists' Members
Scientific Publications
Organisation Congress
In order to fulfill the main objective of the Association, AEF, since its inception in 1969, has conducted more than one hundred scientific events, highlighting the last one that was the XV National Congress in Logroño, november 2017. Also, AEF has been hosted several international events, including the XIV International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (Barcelona 2003) and I Iberoamerican Congress on Physiotherapy and Kinesiology (Oviedo 2006). Nationally, AEF has organized 15 National Conferences, 12 National Conferences of Physiotherapy, Physical Activity and Sport, and 9 National Conferences on Education in Physiotherapy.
Other events
Other events of diffusion of the profession and of the Association
Entry Level Educational programmes: Those programmes that prepares graduates for entry into practice of physiotherapy. They bring a person to the point of being able to practice as a physiotherapist in the country of education. Entry requirements, length of the education programmes and the final qualification obtained may vary within and across countries.
World Physiotherapy definition: “Entry level physical therapist professional education programmes are those that equip physical therapists to practise as independent professionals. World Physiotherapy recommends that education for entry-level physical therapists should be based on university or university-level studies of a minimum of four years, independently validated and accredited as being at a standard that affords graduates full statutory and professional recognition.”
In some countries it could be a difference between education itself and access to the profession such as possible legal requirements to practice – i.e. registration or training period.
Graduado en Fisioterapia
School years needed before entering the Physiotherapy Programme
Years of the Physiotherapy Education Programme
Correspondent Bologna Cycle
Level 6
Level 6
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
Professional Title
English title
National language titles
Practice and Regulation
Professional Autonomy
Standards of practice
Code of conduct
Registration required to practice
Re-registration required
Re-registration frequency
CPD required for re-registration
Permitted to Assess?
Permitted to Diagnose?
Permitted to Treat?
Permitted to Refer on to other specialities/services?
Permitted to Refer on to other tests or examinations (MRI, Radiography, US)?
Access to Physiotherapy
Access to physiotherapy: Ability of a client or patient to be referred to a physiotherapist for assessment and treatment. There are different types:
1. Direct access: The patient/client directly asks the physiotherapist to provide services (The patients refer themselves). The physiotherapist freely decides his conduct and takes full responsibility for it. Also when the physiotherapist has direct access to patients/clients and determines those that need a physiotherapy assessment/intervention without referral from a third party.
2. Access by referral: The patient/client has access to the physiotherapist by referral from another health professional (medical practitioner or other).
3. Access by referral with the freedom to decide intervention: The patient/client has access to the physiotherapist by referral from another health professional. The prescription will not indicate the technical modalities used in the intervention.
4. Access by referral with an imposed programme of intervention: The patient/client has access to the physiotherapist by referral from another health professional. The prescription will include the diagnosis, and will further specify the intervention modalities to be carried out by the physiotherapist. The prescription may also include the number of sessions and their frequency.
Can service users refer/seek directly asks the physiotherapist to provide services (assessment, intervention or treatment)?
Is Self-referral allowed or possible within the national health system?
Is Self-referral allowed or possible outside the national health system?
In the case a medical/ physician referral is needed, are there limitations?
Do the expected competencies of graduates from entry-level physical therapy programmes prepare them to accept self-referrals on qualification?
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Continuing professional development (CPD): Is a systematic, ongoing structured process of maintaining, developing and enhancing skills, knowledge and competence both professionally and personally. The aim is to develop the clinical performance at work. The individual physiotherapist undertakes her/his CPD activity systematically keeping a record of her/his clinical reflection and learning. This process strengthens the personal and professional profile along with quality service to the patient/clients
CPD in the country is:
CPD is monitored by:
Regulatory Authority
What is the CPD approach in the country?
Outcome based (quality of learning e.g. reflective practice, competencies)
Input based (quantity of learning e.g. number hours, days, credit points)
More information on what is recorded
Does the MO offer advice on career pathways to its members?
Is this advice in relation to:
Further information on the advise the MO provides
Does the MO offer CPD courses to its members?
Courses are to
Does the MO survey their members about CPD?
Who is financing or otherwise supporting CPD?
Other - Responsible for financing
Who provides the MOST financial support
Clinical Specialisation
Physiotherapy clinical specialisation recognised?
Physiotherapy clinical specialisation recognised by
Member Organisation
Recognised clinical specialisations
- Cardiovascular
- Manual Therapy
- Mental Health
- Musculoskeletal
- Neurology
- Obstetric - Gynaecology - Urology
- Older People - Geriatrics
- Oncology and Palliative Care
- Orthopaedics
- Paediatrics
- Health promotion - Prevention – Ergonomics
- Respiratory
- Rehabilitation
- Rheumatology
- Traumatology
- Sports
- Stroke Care
- Women’s Health
Permanent Stay
Documents you must provide / the application (attachment) or information to be submitted:
If you wish to work as a physiotherapist in Spain on a permanent basis, you'll have to submit the following documents:
- application form (in Spanish)
- certified photocopy of your national ID card or passport
- certified photocopy of your academic and professional qualifications
- certified photocopy of the official transcript of your study programme, with details of the total course length (academic years) and a description of subjects and lecture hours for each subject (ECTS credits), both theoretical and clinical
- certificate of good standing (less than 3 months old), confirming that you're legally entitled to practice as a physiotherapist (you haven't been suspended, disqualified or prohibited from practicing)
- certificate from the relevant authority in your home country proving that your title allows you to practice there and meets the conditions laid down in Directive 2005/36/EC
- if physiotherapy is NOT a regulated profession in your home country – or the country where your qualification was issued – proof that you've worked there full-time as a physiotherapist for at least 2 years in the last 10.
All documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish.An official translation is one that has been made by a sworn translator authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You can also contact the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country.
If the documents you submit are copies, they must be certified. You can get your documents certified by simply taking them to any public authority in Spain, a Spanish consulate/embassy or a public notary.
Responsible authority:
Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
Subdirección General de Ordenación Profesional
Ministry of Health, Social Services and EqualityPaseo del Prado, 18-20
28071 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 596 17 73E-mail:
Spanish Ministry of Health
When can you expect an answer:
Once you have sent your documents, and the authorities are satisfied that your application is complete, they have 4 months to take a decision.You can submit your application:
directly to the registration services in the relevant authority
by mail (by registered post)
to the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country
Temporary Stay
Documents you must provide / the application (attachment) or information to be submitted:
If you wish to work as a physiotherapist in Spain on a temporary basis, you'll have to submit the following documents:
- certified photocopy of your national ID card or passport
- certified photocopy of your academic and professional qualifications
- certified photocopy of the official transcript of your study programme, with details of the total course length (academic years) and a description of subjects and lecture hours for each subject (ECTS credits), both theoretical and clinical
- certificate of good standing (less than 3 months old), confirming that you're legally entitled to practice as a physiotherapist (you haven't been suspended, disqualified or prohibited from practicing)
- certificate from the relevant authority in your home country proving that your title allows you to practice there and meets the conditions laid down in Directive 2005/36/EC
- if physiotherapy is NOT a regulated profession in your home country – or country where your qualification was issued – proof that you've worked there full-time as a physiotherapist for at least 2 years in the last 10.
All documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish.
An official translation is one that has been made by a sworn translator authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.You can find here the list of authorised sworn translators .
You can also contact the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country.
If the documents you submit are copies, they must be certified. You can get your documents certified by simply taking them to any public authority in Spain, a Spanish consulate/embassy or a public notary.
Responsible authority:
Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
Subdirección General de Ordenación Profesional
Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
Paseo del Prado, 18-20
28071 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 596 17 73E-mail:
Spanish Ministry of Health
When can you expect an answer:
Once you have sent your documents, and the authorities are satisfied that your application is complete, they have 1 month to take a decision.You can submit your application:
directly to the registration services in the relevant authority
by mail (by registered post)
to the Spanish consulate or embassy in your country
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